Yesterday I had it off for like 5 hrs total ~ 1 hr post workout, 1 hr later on, then a 3 hour block. Then I had it on for ~ 2.5 hrs & took it off until morning. I think it made me swell some (below belly button) and it seemed I woke up with some swelling too, so I don't think I'll have it off for longer than that a day for a while. Today I'll probably have it off for a 4 hr chunk of time instead of it being broke up, will see.
This morning's workout 15 minutes elliptical then 3 x 12 (all 7.5 lbs): 1 arm shoulder presses, bicep curls, 2 arm tricep kickbacks. 2 sets of - 5 lb in & out straight arm shoulder flys, 7.5 lb hammer curls, 7.5 lb overhead tricep extensions. I wanted to do a 3rd set of that last bit, but my back started protesting (I do it all standing). Then I did another 15 minutes elliptical. I'm guessing my shoulders & tris will feel that some, but my bis probably won't, working my way back up slowly.
So I did it finally! I made it a whole 6 days of working out & today will be followed with eating clean, then tomorrow I can cheat some. I figure I will get up at usual pre-workout time, check my weight & measurements, and if they're above a certain # I've set, then I will do a walk (not even a fast one) to burn a little bit but not cause any lower body tiredness. I WILL eat clean until my cheat meal (which will be pizza, with a sundae after, mmm hmmm). I'm not exactly looking forward to seeing my stats, but they're somewhat a starting point & I'm sure MUCH better then they were at the beginning of this week. So, yep.
I imagine myself using very low weight when I start back to lifting. Yesterday, I didn't even have the chest strength to open a child proof Rx pill bottle. It didn't hurt, just no strength.