Friday, May 21, 2010

Random stuff...

The first couple weeks after a tummy tuck ANYTHING engaging the abs is the worst pain imaginable. One of the best things I learned on the message boards at was how to stop sneezes. You put some pressure, press down, whatever, just below your nose. It has stopped every single sneeze in its tracks since my TT. I can be thankful for that.

Coughing is a whole different issue. It is horrible! So I must say that you have to drink as carefully as possible, that has been the only times I've coughed & it is VERY difficult [but still possible] to will yourself to stop coughing when you swallow water wrong. Honestly, if I had been getting a cold that had coughing before my surgery I would've probably tried my best to post-pone. Well no, I really couldn't change the timing with all the coordinating, but if it happens to anyone reading & you have the opportunity to schedule it for a week later or whatever, please do! You don't need that pain!

I got lucky & was only mildly nauseous when I woke after surgery, but I can't even imagine actually throwing up. That would've been painful beyond belief. I'm just sayin'! If you wake up & are nauseous tell them & they will give you things to help that!

So how I'm doing... FABULOUS! I have hope finally! My drain output has gone down dramatically. Sunday & Monday it was 150 mls a day (the thick dark red old blood), Tuesday it was thick but a lighter color & 100 mls. Wednesday even lighter, maybe pinkish, & 70 mls. Thursday it was orangeish & 45 mls. Today is mostly yellow & the output is way less (I can't put a number to it yet since it hasn't been 24 hours, however I didn't even have enough to justify emptying it this morning which is a huge change). My left implant has also started dropping, so things are getting there.

I might just be able to lose Kyle on Monday =)


  1. Oh boy, J! I am glad you might be getting rid of that nasty Kyle! WooHoo! I bet you are happy about that. I will keep my fingers crossed for ya~!

    With my upcoming breast lift/augment, I have considered the coughing/sneezing/barfing thing. I am thinking that with the nature of my surgery, that it wouldn't be as bad as a TT. I hope it isn't an issue.

    BTW....when are you taking more pictures? I love that sort of stuff!


  2. Oh yeah.... I meant to ask you: What, if anything, are you using on your scars to prevent/diminish scaring?

