Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Another day, more fun...

On the tummy tuck healing side I'm doing well (I think). I've started to feel little twinges along the incision area. Now having been an electrician before & knowing exactly what it feels like to get shocked, I can say they do not feel like that haha, however it's sorta similar. It's not movement related, it happens when I'm sitting perfectly still. I do believe this is what I've heard as nerves healing/regenerating and whatnot. I can almost stand atraight if I stretch out; however, I'm limited by the muscle repair. The center upper ab portion of it hurts dully if I straighten out too much, so I choose to stay hunched. I'd take back pain over front pain right now anyway, I have enough issues I'm trying to cope with. My implants are still like right at my collarbones, but eventually they'll look good.

I'm concerned about my drains, well not both, just the left one. My right one isn't putting out hardly anything now, but the left one has turned a lighter red color (not cool because it's still thick & not clear at all, more like a closer to blood color) and it is putting out way more than it had been before. I'm not drinking more water than I had been either. It was putting out 60 ml's a day which crept up & up over the past few days & is now over 100 a day with the lighter dark blood color. I also still have the fever.

We called the Doc, Hubby convinced him to call in antibiotics for me. Doc says there might have been some reason I bled internally after (either from pulling the stitches along the muscle repair &/or maybe hitting a bleeder with the little bit of lipo he had done) which could have turned into a clot which could be breaking down down (that could be the explanation of more volume of the drain output & the slightly lighter color), but he wants me in his office tomorrow morning so we're going, again and I will update again tomorrow.

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