It's a fight, there's no other way to put it. I'm fighting that low temp, & I don't know what it is. Last night I had the melt down from the post-op blues that people say you get so easily. If I had just had my boobs done that would be one thing, but the TT makes it way more difficult! With my appointment & not getting at least one drain out, walking hunched to where my back is spasming up like crazy (thank you scoliosis), then just needing naps every 4 hours, lack of human cuddling, being all bruised to hell now, not being able to go outside & play (due to BUG swarm season & not wanting to spray myself now), yeah... it's hard...
Then I had heard that when DD#2 was outside yesterday she kept making wishes. All she wished for was that Mommy didn't have anymore boo-boos. That was the straw on the camel's back & I broke down. No I can't cuddle as much, but I need to suck up the pain (back spasms) and do more NOW I can handle that, and I did that last night - almost our usual bedtime routine without Hubby, and promptly heating-padded my back right after.
Soon things will make a turn for the better! If I could walk with my back straight & didn't have drains it'd be so different! I did take pictures this morning, and even though I'm really bruised I'm liking it. Soon, soon...
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