Well time sure does fly regardless of what you deal with! I feel good, my scar is finally starting to fade some. It is a good scar, not thick, not bumped up (or keloidal or whatnot) but it's red which I really hope fades! I had tried Mederma, but I only bought one tube. Honestly I didn't use it the recommended 3 times a day because I'd keep forgetting, but I did eventually use it all and figured it doesn't make a big difference. You will scar how you're going to scar. I hear some PS's recommend just plain old cocoa butter lotion, so I went out & bought a think of Palmer's cocoa butter with vitamin E and started using that today.
Also my belly button has looked oddly small to hubby and myself. So going through the message boards at www.makemeheal.com I found posts about stretching. My belly button didn't look like it'd accommodate a marble (which is what lots of ladies do I guess), so I'm going with what another poster had done. Luckily I didn't need to start as small as her with gauze (tampons are cheaper HA). OB tampons and good and applicator free. There are regular, heavy and like super (my guess is they're thicker). So I bought a pack of the regular. To get it in & cut in half length-wise, lube it up with Bag Balm (I'm sure any ointment will do, we have an abundance of this) and twist it in. Luckily the regular is the right size for my belly button right now, I'm hoping it will stretch out the scar some. I get it in there & use paper tape to make sure it stays. Since that area is numb it doesn't feel weird. I remember before surgery anything IN the belly button felt very very odd! So that's a tip for trying to stretch it out.
I finally decided to put on my big girl panties and try some ab work and I can do some which makes me happy. It's very limited though, crunches, side crunches, EASY lower ab stuff, NOTHING combined or that just is no bueno on the muscle repair. So for now I will be happy that I can do some ab work & try to relearn how to use them and be careful. I don't want to hurt anything OR myself!
I agree - Anything will help the scar. Its the "rubbing it in" 3 times a day that does the most good. Helps break down the scar tissue and brings blood to the area to help it heal.